Our Services to Businesses

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Vitae International Recruitment is a foreign worker recruitment agency in Canada. In addition to recruiting international labor, we handle the preparation of immigration files according to the specificities of each request and the integration of workers into their new host land.

Our services also include outsourcing (subcontracting of international labor) to meet the remote work needs of Canadian businesses.

Global Hiring

As part of our services as a global employment agency, we offer a worry-free package. This includes all the steps leading to the successful hiring of a qualified foreign worker:

  • Recruitment of the worker
  • Preparation and submission of the immigration file
  • Training of the candidate, their settlement, and support during the integration process

If necessary, we can assist you with just one or some of these steps, depending on your needs.

Maximize Remote Work with International Expertise

With the constantly evolving work landscape, our agency is at the forefront of the trend in recruiting foreign workers in Canada. We provide access to a relocated international workforce, mainly in Tunisia, suited to your office positions.

Benefits of this collaboration:

  • Immediate availability: Recruit quickly with our extensive network.
  • Increased retention: The economic situation in Tunisia ensures a favorable retention rate.
  • Language skills: Benefit from motivated English and French-speaking professionals.
  • Optimal work environment: Our affiliations in Tunisia ensure secure and well-equipped workspaces.
  • Economic efficiency: Reduce your operational costs by 20 to 30% on payroll.
  • Diversity of skills: From engineering to accounting, we cover a wide range of professions.

Although Tunisia is our primary collaboration zone, our presence also extends to Mauritius-Madagascar and Morocco. Our agency’s expertise ensures a complete recruitment process, from initial selection to successful candidate integration.

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3 Cubes aceb2f global employment agency

Immigration: What Do We Do for Businesses?

Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) (for Quebec employers)

Our global employment agency’s immigration service assists businesses in filing or renewing an immigration file (LMIA) and work permit applications.
The LMIA is often a requirement set by the Canadian government to approve the hiring of a foreign worker to fill a position in a Canadian company. The process depends on the salary planned for the new employee, who will be considered high-wage if it is equal to or greater than the median salary, and vice versa.
The goal of this document is twofold: to allow the employer to prove that no Canadian can fill this position, and that the hiring will not negatively affect the labor market.
Our foreign worker recruitment agency in Canada is also capable of carrying out procedures to obtain the CAQ, a requirement of the Quebec government. For Quebec employers, it should be noted that both documents must be presented simultaneously to both levels of government, which make their decisions jointly.

Work Permit Application

We can handle work permit applications for hiring temporary foreign workers through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP).

Our global employment agency’s expertise extends beyond mere recruitment. We also ensure the renewal of work permits for temporary foreign workers. Moreover, we take the initiative to notify workers and employers well before the deadline, guaranteeing a smooth transition without administrative worries.

Immigration Legal Consultation

Our legal consultation service stands out by clarifying the nuances of immigration law, from international hiring to temporary or permanent immigration, while ensuring rigorous legal compliance checks of your files. As a foreign worker recruitment agency in Canada, our goal is to provide precise guidance and offer tailored solutions to facilitate all your immigration and hiring processes.

Integration of Foreign Workers

Employee integration is a priority for our global employment agency. We are well aware that this step is key to success so that your new workforce can actively contribute to the growth of your business. Our success in the integrability of our candidates is unequivocal and reflects the quality of the support we offer to employers.

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